Works with the platform you already use

Presentation Tools
Studies show a presenter has 3-5 seconds to gain and maintain the attention of the viewer. With endless options at the fingertips of the audience during a virtual event, keeping attention becomes a matter of success or failure. We are seeing another evolution in the making…. Presenting your brand and ideas requires more than pre-recorded videos and chat rooms.
Virtual Event Presentation
In this ever-changing world, Virtual has become Reality. Harness the power of Portfolio to organize, impress, and engage your attendees at your Virtual Event. Embed high quality images, videos, pdfs, websites and more all within one platform. Guarantee the attention of your attendees by using a tool that was built to capture eyeballs.

Event Pass
Portfolio-ception! Embed Portfolio into the Virtual Event platform of your choosing. Let your attendees self-drive through your Portfolio for the ultimate interactive experience. Let them like and comment on your collateral. Generate leads and keep track of metrics to deliver pointed follow ups. Both the attendee and you will save time, understand each other better, and truly enjoy the exploration.
Hybrid Event
Our Portfolio is anxiously waiting for live events too. That’s right! Portfolio isn’t only for boring laptops and tablets… Put Portfolio on huge interactive walls, dazzling single displays, LED screens and more. Whatever device you desire, Portfolio is ready to go!